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Sometimes your cool, Olympic powerlifter friend needs to a stronger (literally!) look and feel for her nutritional coaching business. For Revival, we're giving it a facelift to appear more uplifting, yet edgy as time moves forward. By developing a personal lettering style, we're capturing Livi's confidence and sass in her messaging. 

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Are you telling yourself that today is the day you're going to start your diet after drinking your heart out and pounding chicken nuggets ‪at 2AM‬? Are you going to continue your weekend binge fest because you tell yourself you don't have enough time to meal prep? . How sick are you of ALMOST doing something? ALMOST chasing that dream? ALMOST quitting your job? ALMOST losing those 20 lbs? . Selling ourselves short or "self-handicapping" is a behavior related to confidence that limits our effectiveness. It happens when we put obstacles in the path of our own goals. . There are 2 types: 1️⃣Claimed or self-reported: This happens when you keep a past failure private & make up excuses to explain performances to lower other people's expectations. Have you ever told someone you couldn't make it to the gym to meet them because you were too tired or were at work too late as a way to lower expectations or deflect blame? 2️⃣Acquired or behavioral: This is when you experience some public success, but doubt your ability to continue it so you put habits in place that actually create a handicap - like procrastinating, failing to prepare etc. Have you ever had some awesome weight loss, maybe hit a big PR in the gym, but then life got stressful & you weren't able to keep up with your lifestyle and you fell back into bad food or life habits & didn't want to ask for help? . So how do we break this loop? You have to be AWARE that your excuses for ALMOST doing something are YOUR OWN CHOOSING. Do you put off meal prepping because you're scared you can't ever lose the weight so why start? Did you keep the job you hate because the idea of starting over at a new job you love is too scary? . Allow yourself to take part in activities without first pre-qualifying your abilities, and ask yourself: What steps should I take RIGHT NOW to give myself the BEST chance at success? What is the smallest step I can take in the next 24 hours that will get me moving in the right direction? . Instead of the temporary feelings from ALMOST doing something, start TAKING ACTION because failure is better than doing nothing, who knows, maybe you'll ABSOLUTELY CRUSH IT. ? @cristinavanko

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I meet a lot of people who tell me they ???? to lose weight & how serious they are about doing so. The problem comes when people say they ???? to change yet very few actually do. 92% of people will quit on their NYE resolution - meaning only 8% stick to their commitment to change.⁣ ⁣ ???⁣ ⁣ It's not all the reasons you're thinking like " I don't have time", "I don't have the right information", or "I need more motivation". Truth is those are all excuses. At the end of the day it comes down to one factor ???.⁣ ⁣ The difference between wanting to change & being ??????? to change comes down to taking ??????. If you're not taking actions ???????????? to change you're not that serious about it. I don't care how much you talk about it, if you do nothing - it won't happen.⁣ ⁣ Here are the stages of change:⁣ ⁣ ??????? ?? ?????? - where everyone starts - this is where you ???? about changing - you know you should, but the pain and pressure hasn't really hit you yet - so it's not really a priority. This is your "should" stage - you know you ?????? get to the gym and eat better but you put it off. ⁣ Ask yourself:⁣ ❓What about me/this situation do I ???? to change?⁣ ❓Why do I need to change?⁣ ❓What has been keeping me from changing?⁣ ❓How do I go about changing?⁣ ⁣ ????? ?? ?????? - You realize the importance of changing & actively seek the information you need to change. You're reading books, online articles, looking up nutrition coaches etc. This can be dangerous when you trick yourself into thinking that just because you have a lot of knowledge and information that you're actually changing. Just because you have a ton of knowledge doesn't mean you're taking action. The next step is to think about what is the worst possible outcome that can happen as a result of ??? changing. The pain of remaining the same is more severe than the pain of taking action.⁣ ⁣ ??????? ?? ?????? - You're not only willing to seek the information you're ready to take action. If you're not taking action you aren't at this phase, nor are you serious about making change.⁣ ⁣ What stage are you in ??

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????? ??????! I hope all of you had an ??????? Labor Day Weekend full of memories, laughs, and the ???????? food. If you're reading this I hope you're feeling nothing but happiness about the food and drinks you ate with friends and family this weekend. If you're having second thoughts, guilt, shame, or are thinking about how you need to get back on the diet wagon keep on reading. ?? ⁣ I want to really drive the fact that I am here to ????????? ????? ???????' ?????? ??? ?????. Food isn't an issue of morality - calories and food give us energy to live and make memories.⁣ The only foods you should avoid to help you lose weight are:⁣ ?Spoiled Food⁣ ?Food covered in dirt⁣ ?Food covered in bugs⁣ ?Food you're allergic to⁣ ?Koalas - because those are endangered so please don't eat them⁣ ⁣ If you ate anything other that the above mentioned why not ????????? how happy you were this weekend? If you have any sort of guilt around the food you ate think about ???. Are your friends doing a fad diet or jumping on a cleanse? Are you looking at Kim Kardashian on IG thinking your waist should also be that small? Are you reading books about women who only eat salads while sipping martinis in the Hamptons? Are you with a diet program that is super rigid and making you question your own body and goals?⁣ ⁣ Whatever it is that is making you feel bad for celebrating your happy body this weekend is also the voice in your head telling you to "Get back on the diet wagon". Let's just remember if your diet was working - you wouldn't have to ??? ???? ?? ??. Why keep chasing after some diet or ideal that isn't serving you?⁣ ⁣ Are you sick of talking poorly about your body instead of ??????????? ??? ????? ??? ???? Are you ready to celebrate happy bodies too? Shoot me a DM , I'd love to chat

A post shared by Livi Ron - PhD Candidate (@liviron_rd) on

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Motivation is a fleeing & tricky thing. Sometimes you're motivated to crush the world & other days you can't do anything besides watch Netflix. If you look on IG the #motivation has yielded over 96 MILLION posts. There is quite the demand for motivation on social media, but in my opinion it doesn't translate well to every day life. . When it comes to personal success it's not motivation that is needed, but discipline. . We see fitness people with the most aesthetic bodies and perfect IG flow talking about motivation, & we think DAMN I CAN DO THAT TOO. While this might be true - but in order to achieve that level of success it took that person discipline not motivation. Consistent exercise, the willingness to push beyond failures, staying on track with your goals regardless of circumstance, prioritizing sleep & stress, while making good food choices are driven by discipline not motivation. . The main issue with motivation is that it's unreliable - you'll have tons of motivation when the sky is blue, the sun in shining, & things are all going your way. What happens when you start your workout your legs are burning, you're stressed about your job, & it's 100x easier to quit go home & eat an entire pizza than finish your workout & go home to eat a meal that will fuel yourself? If you're using solely motivation to fuel you - AKA an external source - it will be temporary. You'll find yourself listening to that voice in your head telling you to go home, or quit, versus having the DISCIPLINE to get done what you need to. . Discipline is a skill. You don't go to the gym thinking you can deadlift 500 lbs on the first day. You have to start small. Start by making your bed EVERYDAY. Sounds small & stupid, but eventually making your bed will become a habit, & you can build on that. If you start off by saying you'll wake up ‪at 5 am‬, read, journal, drink water, & go for a run - you might do that for a week but then you'll get overwhelmed & quit, then feel guilty for not hitting your goals. So always start small & build on what you've successfully created. . Developing routine and consistency is how discipline is built. Identify your weak areas & develop a clear plan.

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I just wanted to write a letter to my own body to thank it for being healthy and overcoming everything I've put it through. • Dear Body, ??Thank you for allowing me to be strong and fierce. ??Thank you for letting me be brave when I went through chemotherapy. ??Thank you for holding up through my deep drug addictions. ??Thank you for staying alive when I broke my neck and was in a coma for 9 days. ??Thank you for keeping me safe through all the sexual abuse. ??Thank you for being resilient through radiation. ??Thank you for letting me heal. ??Thank you for letting me pick up heavy weights. ??Thank you for forgiving me for when I starved myself. ??Thank you for overcoming the stress I went through during grad school. ??Thank you for taking me through long days and sleepless nights when I worked 15 hour days in a meat plant. ??Thank you for the growth and stretch marks. ??Thank you for overcoming extreme sunburn. ??Thank you for being incredible. ??Thank you for the ability to walk and move freely. ??Thank you for the opportunity to stretch and feel sunshine. ??Thank you for holding on when I wanted to let go. Love, Livi • When was the last time you THANKED your body for everything it has endured? When was the last time you realized how blessed you are to have two legs, two arms, and a beating heart? • Instead of picking yourself apart today let's be grateful for everything our body has endured and celebrate life. • Happy Friday y'all 🙂

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I remember my first binge episode, It was in 2016 I clearly remember blacking out eating everything I could find. I felt like I couldn't control my hands, and regained consciousness and realized I ate an entire box of stale graham crackers, container of Oreos, and a tub of cookie butter completely in the dark while sitting on my kitchen floor. I felt sick. I was overridden with guilt and couldn't stand to even look at myself. • My binging started right around the time I decided to be sober and cut weight for a weightlifting meet, I quickly realized I was trading one addiction for another. • I kept telling myself that I didn't have a problem because I wasn't making myself puke, or that I'd just do some extra lifts that day to make up for it. I would avoid a lot of social situations because I knew if I was around food that was just sitting out I wouldn't be able to control myself. • I began identify a few things that were causing the binge behavior: ?The fact that I let food run my life ?The feelings of unworthiness, being unlovable, and lack of control • I did some deep digging to understand where those beliefs came from and allowed myself to just eat the food. My body clearly wasn't meant to be 105 lbs and it was telling me something. My body and brain weren't firing on all cylinders and needed fuel. • I thought I NEEDED to be smaller to feel loved, worthy, and able to succeed, but what I really needed was to understand that I was keeping myself stuck and if I wanted to live a different life I was going to have to spend the next several years unpacking DECADES of belief systems and behavior patterns and creating a version of myself I was proud of. • Turns out I didn't need to shrink myself or lose weight, I just needed to fuel my body, and develop a better relationship with food. Between having an amazing therapist and badass nutrition coach I'm finally in a place where food doesn't control my life anymore, I don't pick apart my body, and I'm the mentally and physically the healthiest I've ever been. • Are you feeling stuck in mental space where you feel like you NEED to lose weight to be happy? I'd love to chat. ✍? @cristinavanko

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