Papa John's UK: The Answer is Pizza
At the time, Papa John's UK was third in its competitive category. They wanted to stand out as "the better" pizza in a fun, cost-efficient way. For strategy, we leveraged the universal love for pizza by presenting Papa John's as the ultimate answer to any question. Here's where our idea came in— Life is hard. Things that are out of our control happen and questions that we can't answer arise. The one constant is the universal comfort we find in our love for pizza. Papa John's, being the "better" pizza in its category, will serve as the ultimate answer to life's very important questions.
Team Darwin | CW: Eileen Matthews

With a hashtag that As the hub for this campaign, Twitter served as an outlet for light-hearted humor, drawing attention to the Papa John's brand through.

Door Drop Leaflet
In a world where pizza coupons get blown away by the wind and slept on, what if Papa John's could get people to pause before automatically tossing a mailer into the trash?

Bus Stop
Waiting sucks and quizzes are fun. Therein lies an opportunity to entertain while getting Papa John's pizza on the mind.

TV Spots